Custom Poetry
Provide occasion, name, or subject (with key details if necessary) and select one of Shakespearean Sonnet, Haiku, Limerick, Couplet, or Freeverse poem.
Examples: birthday limerick for a friend, Valentine's sonnet for a significant other, chemistry haiku to study for a test
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A sample of my work, a Shakespearean Sonnet for a friend's metric birthday:
Birthdays often seem arbitrary things
To celebrate one day within each year
But really what are years but this Earth’s rings
Around the Sun and so why hold them dear?
For every three hundred sixty five days
Is such a bizarre count for us to claim
And what is more they then do fall always
In month, in season, year to year the same
But metric birthdays do make some more sense
Where every thousand days we hold a bash
To celebrate your life along with friends
In honor of a kiloday more past
Glad “Seven-K Day” to our friend Ari
Blessings and peace of our God e’er keep thee.