One Figure Geomancy Reading
I am getting back into the swing of things with this system, so...
Using my dice, I will perform a reading for you using one geomantic figure. This can be for a specific question, or for a more generalized look at a problem. As it is one figure, the answer may not be in-depth, and will require consideration on the part of the seeker/questioner/person-having-a-reading. As always, I will deliver this reading in my unique voice, giving my special perspective on the matter at hand.
This reading will be given via webcam during the appointed time.
While I will do my best to provide what help I can, I must stress that I will not advise on the following topics:
* Legal matters (I'm not an attorney)
*Medical matters (Not a doctor)
* Financial matters (Not a financial adviser)
That is my big three, for legal purposes (covering my own butt.) Beyond this, go ahead and hit me up! I will respond as soon as I am able, and we can go ahead and try to get you pointed in the right direction.
Entertainment Only.
Training & Qualifications
I have been performing geomancy for roughly three years, now. Despite my hiatus from the system, I'm still a dab hand with the dice, and an intuition that can carry me through the tougher spots that we may encounter.
Availability & Preferences
I'm typically available on weekday evenings and weekend mornings. Message me to set your appointment.