Life Coach: Magical Mantra Session
Length of session: 90 minutes
A mantra by definition is "is a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit believed by practitioners to have psychological and spiritual powers."
In our session we will be creating a personalized and unique mantra that will speak to your soul. Mantra's are incredibly powerful and have been used for centuries in spiritual practices. Having a mantra that is customized to your desires, fears and doubts makes it that more powerful.
Everyone who has had a magical mantra session has walked away with a mantra that has (and continues to) rock them to their core ... hence why I added the magical part :)
This is a really fun session that I always enjoy - I look forward to dancing in the magical mantra mystery with you.
Training & Qualifications
* Certified life coach
* Host life changing retreats and workshops for women
Availability & Preferences