House sitting
I can watch your house while you're gone and keep it nice and clean while you're away.
Any special requests and just let me know ahead of time. Also if you have animals I also do pet-sitting so I can take care of them while you're away!
This is my second posted house sitting service, I decided to put two up in hopes of being noticed easier. Feel free to pick whichever one you like more!
Training & Qualifications
-know how to do dishes without breaking them
-can vaccuum
-can also dust things and use a mop
-vast knowledge on cleaning up after myself
-I have a clean record and I'm a terrible liar so you can take my word for it
-only have like 3 friends so I won't throw a party at your house, promise
-I'm pretty introverted but I can have a conversation and not make you feel uncomfortable so that's a plus
-I have a house
Availability & Preferences
Any time, just let me check my super flexible schedule first.
Hopefully you have animals cause I love animals but if you don't that's okay cause I have a Nintendo DS and I'll just play Pokemon omega ruby on my free time.