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House sitting


20 per visit - - Posted Apr 11, 2016

i can watch your house while you're away and make sure no harm comes to it! Very useful deed indeed.

-I like animals so pets are a plus +
-I also like food so I'll bring my own to make sure yours is still safe from my bottomless pit of a stomach.
-I have vast knowledge of how to do dishes from years of cleaning up after my endless eating habits.
-I also am skilled in not dropping crumbs everywhere. It counts.
-vaccuums are fun too.
-I have a clean record, promise not to steal or break anything cause I don't move that much anyways.
-don't mistake my lack of enthusiasm (currently) for laziness please. :^)

Training & Qualifications

Well if I'm not qualified to sit in a house all day, I don't know who is.
I also kind of wrote my "qualifications" in the description box.
If you have animals and are worried about my qualifications for taking care of them, look at my "pet sitting" service summary and go to the qualifications section. If you're not satisfied, or I don't seem like the person you'd prefer to watch your pets and/or house, thank you for reading and I wish you a wonderful day.
Grace Moltke

Availability & Preferences

Any time.
Animals to befriend
A microwave and an oven
Homeowners with a sense of humor
I have allergies like, really bad. So hopefully you don't live somewhere with really thin walls cause I sneeze at least four times after I wake up and that's just the beginning of the day.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Grace's other services

House sitting
I just really wanna get involved with the SIMBI community to meet the people who have the same idea as I do - getting connected and making good use of what I've got. I'd love to be able to do wha...

House sitting

Pet sitting ♥️
I just really wanna get involved with the SIMBI community to meet the people who have the same idea as I do - getting connected and making good use of what I've got. I'd love to be able to do wha...

Pet sitting ♥️

Grace's requests

Grace is requesting
Job offer? I really need a job
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I just really wanna get involved with the SIMBI community to meet the people who have the same idea as I do - getting connected and making good use of what I've got. I'd love to be able to do wha...

About Grace Moltke

I'm a classical mix of the hippie side of Miley Cyrus (minus the cocaine) and the the zen side of snoop dogg (minus the fame). It's really hard to upset me, especially when there's animals or babies... around because I am well aware of how they can pick up on emotion. Currently in online school and drivers ed, doing what I can to be something to the world. ~Try not to interpret my subconsciously self deprecating sense of humor as low self worth. Not sure yet what I want to make a career out of yet in life so I'm starting with puppy/kitty sitting! Let me know if you're going out of town and can't bring your furry friends, cause I'd love to watch them for you while you're gone :^). Favorite color: Turquoise with light pink swirls. Basically, cotton candy ice cream. Favorite song: anything by Birdy or Gabrielle Aplin. Favorite Tree: Palm trees man. Who doesn't like palm trees? Favorite hobbies: Singing along to Christmas Carols at 3 in the afternoon Petting animals Driving my friends to Bernie Sanders' rallies Playing Pokemon omega ruby on my Nintendo 2DS show more

Open to other proposals
Grace Moltke is looking for:
  • Art & Design
  • Custom Art
  • Interior Design
  • Architectural Design
  • Music & Audio
  • Entertainment & Performance
  • Tailoring & Sewing
  • Photography
  • Art: Other
  • Fitness
  • Yoga
  • Dance
  • Pilates
  • Personal Training
  • Sports Coaching
  • Fitness: Other
  • Experiences
  • Adventure
  • Friendship/Listening
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Travel
  • Tours & Excursions
  • Transport & Rideshares
  • Home
  • Housesitting
  • Cleaning
  • Home: Other
  • Gardening
  • Beauty
  • Skincare
  • Makeup
  • Beauty: Other
  • Style & Fashion
  • Hair styling
  • Nailcare
  • Pets
  • Petsitting
  • Dogwalking
  • Veterinary
  • Pet Training
  • Pets: Other