30 Minute DnD Rules Lesson
I will go over the basic rules of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. I'll cover everything from what the dice represent, how to build a character, what an NPC or Non-Player Character is to any skill level from absolutely uninitiated novice to someone who has spent a fair time playing the game. Maybe you're looking to be the DM (Dungeon Master) and want some tips on how to do it! It would be either a Google Hangout, a Skype session, or FaceTime and sessions would be in 30 minute increments (though I'll likely go longer because I'm just a chatter box and will talk about DnD forever). It doesn't matter if you have no idea what questions you want to ask or if you have a very specific question, I have a wealth of knowledge on the subject and sharing it with people is something I enthusiastically embrace.
Training & Qualifications
Well, I'm a nerd. I have played over 400 hours of dungeons and dragons with a little over a quarter of that time spent as Dungeon Master for the game. I also spend a ridiculous amount of time reading the rule books because I love to figure out which builds are statistically best. Because I'm a nerd.
Availability & Preferences
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and weekends.