Hey, I'm E!
Portland OR | Member since November 2015
About E I
The intersection of art, science, and technology is where I like to play. Whether it's a giant plasma ball, a clever demonstration of Boyle's law, or complex mechanism, it can hold my attention for ours. When I was a kid I spent about as much time looking at the vacuum tubes in the back of the TV as I did watching the front. I used to imagine it was a miniature city with big glowing towers where all the power was generated. One artistic goal is to inspire that same wonder by artistic exposition of a scientific phenomenon using technology. I've made singing flames, Jacob's ladders, plasma spheres, rocket engines, all manner of gizzies. Some have been more artistic than others. Some have just been loud or scary enough to be fun.
Over the years, I've created literally hundreds of parts using many methods including: plastic injection molding, machining, die casting, sheet metal, etc. I've developed novel assembly processes, producing world class results on a shoestring budget. I've set up small factories . I developed and taught a trade school electronics curriculum from basic atomic theory through linear electronics, radio theory, digital electronics and microprocessor architecture and programming . I hold several patents, mostly in the area of thermal management of very high intensity arc lamps.
In the last year, my beloved wife has made it possible for me to ease down from the high tech world into more diversified pursuits. I'm interested in all manner of opportunities for creative endeavor.
E I's Services
E I's Requests
Molly received unit of Custom 3D Designs from E
Garsett received unit of Custom 3D Designs from E
Christina provided package of Delicious crusty loaf of bread for E
Robert received unit of Molded/Die Cast Part Design from E
Rebecca received unit of Machined Part Design from E
Inactive User received unit of 3D Update To Your Logo from E
Shannon received Help with Poems for Visual Poetry Blog from E
Inactive User received unit of 3D Update To Your Logo from E
Services E I is looking for:
- Fresh Produce
- Cooking
- Food
- Business
- Legal
- Experiences
- Adventure
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Wellness
- Photography
- Tailoring & Sewing
- Entertainment & Performance
- Music & Audio
- Art & Design