Oracle card reading
I will draw cards from my Fairies oracle deck to help answer your question. I will provide a picture of the cards along side my interpretation of the reading. I am pretty new to oracle cards, but this deck has proven to be very beginner friendly. The cost is based on the number of cards used in the reading. If you are not sure how many cards you need or what spread you would like we can discuss what would be best for you. The cost will be based on the number of cards drawn, but will not be 5 simbi per card, we can discuss a final cost in messaging.
I have a separate listing for my tarot readings, see that listing if you are interested in one of those as well.
Please do not send a proposal before we have talked a little bit, my app is unreliable at telling me I have gotten messages so I may not see it in time.
Training & Qualifications
I am a witch and an amateur tarot reader who recently obtained an oracle deck and is very interested in getting more experience with it. I have 3 tarot decks, one oracle deck, an astrology deck, and two pendulum's I use for divination.
Availability & Preferences
I am usually free in the evening as well as random days.