Hey, I'm Dixie!
St. Louis MO | Member since October 2016
About Dixie Gillaspie
Firestarter, coach, business consultant, intuitive guide, writer, and editor.
I'm an advocate for people who want to unwrap their personal truth and use it as a platform for their life and business. I'm a Certified Soul Language Practitioner. I'm a pragmatic intuitive with one foot in the spirit world and the other kicking ass in the material world.
I work with creatives, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who want to step into the full power of their gifts, talents, brains, and souls. Soul-directed creative entrepreneurs are my favorite people on earth.
My clients come to me to create business models and offerings, hone and polish their personal brand and platform, unleash their personal power, and deepen their relationships in business and life. They are people who are living out their truth and purpose in their life and their life's work. Some are allergic to "woo-woo" and we stick to what takes place in the material world. But most of them are searching to fully integrate the talents and gifts they have amassed in this lifetime with the divine gifts and purpose they are given as souls.
I wrote a book called Just Blow it Up - Firepower for Living an Unlimited Life and a companion book, Doses of Dynamite - Firepower for Capturing the Inspiration in Everyday Things. Sound Wisdom was kind enough to publish them.
I am a member of the Forbes Coaches Council where I publish some of my articles and I've also been an Executive Editor for The Good Men Project, written a column for Entrepreneur.com, published on Huffington Post, and have had articles featured on Fox and MariaShriver.com.
I'm more of a "storyteller" and "conversationalist" than a "speaker," but I do share my story and insights with audiences and I've been honored to share stages with the likes of Zig Ziglar and one of my personal icons; the President Emerita of Southwest Airlines, Colleen Barrett.
What do you really want to do? How can I help?
Dixie Gillaspie's Services
Rajan received session of 60 Min. Blast Thru Coaching Session from Dixie
Cornelia received unit of Coffee with the Coach (30 min) from Dixie
Anami provided unit of Light Language Energy Signature for Dixie
Inactive User received unit of Coffee with the Coach (30 min) from Dixie
Cristina received session of Get to Know Yourself as Soul from Dixie
Caroline received session of Get to Know Yourself as Soul from Dixie
Mike received hour of How 2 Get Articles Published Online from Dixie
August received session of Get to Know Yourself as Soul from Dixie
Crystal received session of Get to Know Yourself as Soul from Dixie
Services Dixie Gillaspie is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Petsitting
- Learning
- Fresh Produce
- Food
- Business
- Home
- Experiences
- Fitness
- Music & Audio
- Art & Design