Research 4 U - ask me anything
I can provide preliminary research on any subject:
Has there been anything you've been wondering but haven't gotten around to Googling? Or you googled it only to find that the article is a bit long for your lunch break? Or, even worse, it was a video and you can't watch it at work! But sometimes, you just need to know! If you don't have the time or energy, I can help you out!
Why is everyone saying "Howbow dah" on social media? (A young lady said this as a challenge on an episode of Dr. Phil)
How long will my leftover sandwich keep? (2-3 days in the refrigerator)
How much protein is in an egg? (6g in one large egg, boiled)
What is the origin of the word "burrito"? (Disputed. Most accepted answer: "little burro" or " little donkey" in Spanish, possibly derives from the appearance of bedrolls and packs that donkeys carried.)
Anything, anything at all. I welcome the challenge, plus I get to learn something in the process :)
Note: cannot promise all answers but I will absolutely give it my best shot. It will literally keep me up at night until I figure it out anyways ^.^
Training & Qualifications
I just like finding out new things and knowing what the facts are, so this is a hobby of mine.
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