Help with Stolen Bicycle.
Reccently i had my bike stolen in front of a starbucks cafe in taylorsville utah. If there is anything you can do to help, i would appreciate it. Including donations in simbi to help with costs and any legal fess that might occur. Also information leading the retreival and find of the bicycle. I habe set up a case number with police. I have a detective assigned to the case. I just need morral and other kinds of support. Specificly anything you can do to help get me a new bicycle, or find where the bicycle is, i would appreciate very much.
I am a valued member of the community and have done alot to help simbi grow. It was just reccently on february 4 that my bike was stolen. I have done work since then to try and locate the bike. I just need help in other ways. In kind donations would also be appreciated.
I also have a fundraiser on facebook and any donations you decide to give there are also appreciated. Since my bike was stolen, i have been limited to either walking or riding the bus.