Cooking Lesson
I will teach you to cook one thing. We can pick a recipe to learn. I'll tell you what ingredients we'll need, and then you'll bring them to my house. I'll find us a mutual friend through Facebook, or something similar, before we meet, so that we both have accountability. It's much easier to trust someone when you know where they live, or you have a friend who can vouch for them.
Training & Qualifications
I like cooking. I cook a lot. I have a B.S. in Biology, which has taught me about how bacteria spread, but I don't have any other official qualifications.
I'm very good at baking desserts. I like herbs and spices. I'm good at Italian and Mexican style food. I'm bad at most Asian style food, but I make good egg rolls.
Availability & Preferences
Every day but Tuesday and Thursday 10 am - 9 pm PST