Experience High Resolution Music!
Most people are familiar with the MP3 music format which is most commonly used these days. It is used for iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, and many more programs and streaming services. MP3 is ultimately the standard for today's music and it definitely gets the job done. However, for those of you who have taken the plunge and bought yourself a new pair of quality headphones, listening to MP3 music files is like buying a Porsche and filling it up with Bud Light instead of gasoline.
Good headphones will reveal flaws and poor quality in the common MP3 file and will leave the listener disappointed. This is because this music format has been compressed in order to make it nice and small so you can fit lots of files onto your phone. Compressing the music file makes the song lose quality - it won't sound very dynamic or emotional, and it loses a great deal of detail. This is why many people are turning to "lossless" files, such as FLAC and DSD. Without going into too much detail, these formats have not suffered loss of detail, and as a result they sound much more crisp and clear.
Hearing the difference between MP3 and lossless formats will change the way you hear music. You will discover details in your favorite songs that you simply never knew existed. It's almost as if a veil has been lifted from your ears and you can finally hear the music how the artist intended.
I can help you take the dive into crystal clear audio and show you what you've been missing. I will show you a powerful and free program that has the ability to play these high resolution files, and share with you a few examples of these music files.
Keep in mind, the better your headphones, the bigger the difference will be. Putting racecar fuel onto a 1995 Civic won't turn it into a Porsche, just as high resolution music won't save a pair of Skull Candy earbuds. But for those of you who want to up your listening game to the next level, I can definitely show you the way!
Training & Qualifications
Audio enthusiast for a few years, on a mission to experience music in as many different ways as possible!
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