Homestead/Farmstead Consultation
Help you solve your homestead related problem, Plan your first steps, or enhance your existing system. Talk about how you can implement solar, what it will actually mean in terms of cost, ROI, etc. Rainwater collection and volume you can expect based on your area, space, etc. Do not overpay, or overwork, lets plan it out!
From first steps to seasoned professionals, there are always way to improve. Let me know if you need an extra set of eyes.
From rain collection to crop rotation and livestock fence planning. On any working homestead/Farmstead there are hundreds of tasks and often a "better" way someone has found. If you are spending large amounts of time on a single task, let me take a look, i excel at problem solving.
Training & Qualifications
A farm kid, who grew up under the tootalage of his grandparents on a farm, spent his 20's and 30's working livestock and crops for the family. Between my mechanical experience in the US Army, farm and ranch experience with the family, and technical skills, I am a well rounded tinkerer/problem solver. I developed and installed my own 12kw solar, water well, and rainwater systems.
Develop plans, improve current methods, or flush out possible issues with your existing designs. Let me know!
Availability & Preferences
Most evenings, weekends, and early mornings.