Tax Accountant Needed ASAP
Our unincorporated project is seeking expert tax accountant consultancy - especially if you have experience with nonprofits, fiscal sponsors or similar.
Our unincorporated project is seeking expert tax accountant consultancy - especially if you have experience with nonprofits, fiscal sponsors or similar.
Bret is a maverick visionary who has been inspired by his own experiences and inquiry into mental wellness to pioneer radical new approaches to co-creation, spiritual philanthropy and the gift economy.... A former prom king and A grade student who graduated and took the ‘road less travelled’, Bret is a natural born entrepreneur who discovered through profound mental health trauma that his passion was not in using his ingenuity to make money, but to direct flows of creativity “current sees” in creating inner and outer wealth for all… integral wealth. Bret has spent the last five years in communities across the world researching first-hand alternative perspectives on mental wellness and collaboration. Bret now sees himself embodying a new journey as an Integral Artist and Consultant. Whole Systems Generalist Bret has a vast range of life experiences, skills, insights and talents which synthesize into a whole systems generalist perspective. Weaving together what he learns from the specialists and wisdom-keepers around him, Bret is able to masterfully dance between disciplines and provide the right questions and inquiries in supporting people with their visions, intentions and life paths in following their own bliss. Bret’s authentic and radically direct, raw nature combined with his open heart and sensitivity empowers those around him to express their true self and shed conditions and expectations. Noomap Innovation Over the past five years, Bret has used his unique inspirations and insights to co-found and co-steward the Noomap project, a groundbreaking technology initiative that is using a Community Interest Company in the UK to direct profit back into the commons. As one of the project’s founding Visionaries, Bret has helped direct Noomap’s unique new paradigm economic model, operations and social architecture. Social synergy, evolutionary business models (eg. Teal), intuitive networking, co-creation and collaboration and multi stakeholder organisation are among the pieces of the puzzle that Bret can support people, projects and communities with. Mental Health Specialism All of Bret’s work is inspired by his own mental health experiences. Following a vibrant, healthy childhood and adolescence, Bret’s own sudden and personal encounter with a diagnosis of bipolar disease at age 19 prompted his own deep explorations into the origins of mental illness, and the natural forces that enable people to transcend it. Bret has spent over twenty years in deep research, experiments, objective study and personal inquiry. He has traveled the world and connected with people from all walks of life in order to investigate the origins of mental illness and the possibilities for mental wellness. Bret’s discoveries find expression in his approach to co-creation, as well as dedicated mental health work. Over the last 5 years, Bret contributed to the best selling book Unbreakable Spirit (his contribution entitled ‘Hero’s Journey in Transforming Perceived Mental Illness Into A Blessing’) and has spoken at private events and gatherings, publicly with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and done radio interviews. He has contributed articles and social media online, including a biography piece on the International Bipolar Foundation. Bret continues to speak publically about his experiences and findings, from the spiritual to holistic healing and more mainstream recovery options. He provides workshops on the beginning steps for people who wish to take the Hero’s Journey for themselves, in transforming perceived mental illness into a blessing. These steps include the 7Ss of Co-creation, ‘6 Steps of Awesomeness’ (Vishen Lakhiani), 5 Keys for Balance and finding your passions.These programs can be private events, speaking engagements, and more. Please contact Bret if you are interested in co-creating some type of event. Qualifications Bret also completed the highly respected 2-year program with internship in New Jersey, at UMDNJ, for psychosocial more
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