Build a system to make custom froms
I'm looking for someone to help me code a system similar to, but not limited to just building a vehicle. I would like this system to be applicable to other projects, such as my trophy website or custom banner layouts. The system should allow users to make selections from dropdown menus, dynamically build out items based on those selections, and calculate a price accordingly.
Additionally, the system should provide an option to display an image panel that updates dynamically based on the user's selections. While I can create the images later, the system should be able to link the selections to the appropriate images, showing the updated item in the image panel. This way, users can see what their selected item looks like as they make their choices.
The system will be limited to HTML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and XML. If you need a web server, I can set up a portal where you can build the demo. I am willing to compensate you for your time, as long as you can provide a deadline for when the task will be completed.