Self-Publishing with Amazon KDP
This service is for people who would like to learn how easy it is to self-publish using Amazon's platform KDP.
- KDP is free. Amazon takes a percentage of sales
- Earn up to 70% royalty on sales to customers, set your own prices.
- Paperback & kindle formats available
- Free and easy KDP do-it-yourself tools and templates
- Control of your book rights, make changes to your books at any time
- Get to market fast. On Amazon within 24-48 hours of publishing
- Always available, printed on demand
- Worldwide distribution options, reach millions of readers
- Publisher customer service when you need it
I'll provide three things:
1) A link to the video recording of my Self-publishing Worldwide class. It covers:
- A self-publishing overview.
- The benefits of self-publishing with KDP
- The concept of passive income, it's benefits, and how to achieve it
- The self-publishing process
- The costs of self-publishing
- How to use crowdfunding to support your self-published book
- How to market and promote your book
- Various tips and tricks I learned along the way
2) A link to a detailed task list document covering self-publishing, crowdfunding, marketing and a list of website resources.
3) Answers to 3 questions that you might have.
I'm looking forward to helping you put your book out into the world!
Training & Qualifications
I've published six books on's KDP platform. Five were crowdfunded using Kickstarter.
I've helped over a dozen authors get published, crowdfund and market their books.