Gaming coop partner.
I live and breathe gaming. I was a kid when I saw someone playing Mario. I got into it by being a stubborn kid who kept asking my parents to get me that game
I work as an IT professional to make money. I play games everyday. I am skilled gamer, i wouldn't hit trickshots but i am smart to make good decisions which put in in good positions.
Sometimes i play with freinds, sometimes alone. If you want someone to play with, I can be your partner is crime, badass adventures, saving the world, or clearing hoards of zombies.
I play on steam, origin, epic store, battlenet.
Games genres - FPS, TPS, Action Adventures, MMOs ,RPGs.
Some of many online games i play - Mass Effect 3, Overwatch, CS Go, call of duty MW3, pubg, dead by daylight, killing floor 2, world war z, paladins, Destiny 2, monster hunter world, dauntless, left 4 dead 2.
Want to play- division 2, Wolfenstein youngloob
Training & Qualifications
Gamer for over 15 years, hope there would be a certification available someday.
Bachelor of technology in computer science.
IT professional for 3 years.
Availability & Preferences
Every night, and 24/7 on weekends