Within each acupuncture session, I take a full medical history and complete an assessment to determine your blocks to healing physical, mental and emotional imbalances. I will then use gentle, effective techniques for healing like acupuncture, Chinese fire cupping, diet and lifestyle recommendations, and other bodywork and lifestyle counselling. Many of my patients describe deep relaxation throughout the session, and experience a relief in their symptoms beginning at their first session--though a course of treatment is often recommended.
I am fully certified as a Registered Acupuncturist with the CTCMA (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture) and I focus my style on Japanese technique specifically in the lineage of Kiiko Matsumoto Style acupuncture, which is both gentle and effective. If you are not sure what acupuncture can do for you, book in for a free consultation, or message me with questions. I look forward to working with you!
Training & Qualifications
Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac.)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Hons.)
Business Owner, Black Spruce Acupucture
Practicing out of Energy Health Clinic
I have been in the field of health and wellness for 7 years now, and have honed my skills with the support of many great practitioners, specifically with the help of Kiiko Matsumoto Style and the teachers at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, BC
Availability & Preferences
Mon: 11-7
Tues: 9-7
Wed: 12:30-7
Thurs: 9-7
Fri: 12:30-4