Fitness Advice
I can make you slim, muscular and I can teach you how to eat right. I can correct your posture, motivate you and I can do it without making you constantly count calories, make you diet until you're sick of it and most importantly, I can make you be your own personal trainer for the rest of your life.
You will get the body you deserve.
If you are an obese person, I would definitely suggest that you speak to your doctor first and a professional nutritionist(just to make sure that there aren't any allergies and latent injuries that can cause harm to your organism). Next, I would suggest that you start slowly, but surely building a habit of simply walking in the morning on an empty stomach. Ideally, if you are just going to work. While creating this habit, I would suggest slightly modifying your diet, which would mean: less bread, more lean protein(chicken, tuna, boiled eggs), good fats(fish oil, avocado, omega 3). P.S. I know the taste of fish oil sucks, but the upsides are huge.
Also we want to focus on eating a lot of greens(spinach, broccoli) and absolutely NO SUGAR, except the ones that come from fruit. That means, eat only green bananas... green apples are your friend too.
Hit me up and let's make you healthier and fitter ;)
Training & Qualifications
I've been training my whole life. I've done wrestling, bjj, kick boxing, handball, rowing and I've been a frequent gym goer, as well as crossfit and a frequent, but bad swimmer.
Availability & Preferences
Hit me up, I'm open to suggestions.