1-hour tutoring on Finance
I am going to try and explain to you basic financial concepts such as time value of money, interest rates and financial statements.
By the end of the lesson, you are going to be able to understand more about the time value of money and how it affects your decisions, what are interest rates and which are the main financial statements, along with the sequence in which they are formed.
We will discuss these topics by using the following examples and learning areas:
1. Examples of time value problems
2. Examples of interest rates
3. Characteristics of the three main financial statements (Statement of financial position, statement of financial performance, cash flow statement)
I will also answer your questions, to the extend that I can and try to assist you in comprehending fully the nature of these terms.
Training & Qualifications
I hold a Bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance and a Master in Business Administration from University of Macedonia (Greece). I have worked for 1 year and 3 months as a financial analyst in a multinational company based in the Netherlands.
Availability & Preferences
I'm usually free on 22:00 to 00:00 (CET+1) (Central Eastern Time +1)