Professional Guest Star!
I will come onto your podcast, radio show, or even guest star on your page/profile and provide excellent copy. I can be quite the character, but I do have a few questions that need to be answered ahead of time.
1) Is your show PG-13, NC-17, or R-rated?
2) Will I be coming on to talk about my books, music, Youtube show, marketing, or simply to regale you with humorous stories and Op-Ed?
3) You recognize that I will never kowtow nor change my opinion to suit your audience. I retain the right to never sell out.
That's it! I rate my time at 10 simbi per fifteen minutes, and can negotiate for discounts, especially for return customers and bulk rates.
Let's do work and wow your audience!
Training & Qualifications
I am an independent and traditionally published author, a musician with two albums under my belt, and have been a noteworthy fighter and lover throughout my short life. I have quite a history regarding online radio shows, podcasts, and blogs.
I'm the freakin' World's Most Interesting Man, just waiting to be unleashed upon your show!
Availability & Preferences