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Hey, I'm Teshia!
Salt Lake City UT | Member since June 2017
About Teshia Lyndall
I'm a nomad currently living it up traveling in a van. I earn extra cash through Media outlets such as YouTube, Web Camming, and through artistic services (game design, etc). I love to live rent free with nothing but gas, food, and insurance to worry about. Feel free to hit me up for advice. I'm very experienced for my age.
Celosia provided unit of Provide witty pickup lines for Teshia
Jun 17, 2017
Provided help with anti-pickup lines for her boyfriend. Lovely to talk to.
Services Teshia Lyndall is looking for:
- Gaming
- Pets
- Pet Training
- Veterinary
- Makeup
- Web/Software Development
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Art Lessons
- Music Lessons
- Classes & Webcasts
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Dietary Counselling
- Consulting & Coaching
- Legal
- Cleaning
- Friendship/Listening
- Life Coaching
- Counseling & Therapy
- Personal Training
- Tailoring & Sewing
- Music & Audio
- Custom Art
- Art & Design