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Susan is requesting

Languages -Would like help to Learn


10 for fulfilling my request - Virtual OK - Posted Aug 17, 2017

I want help learning any number of languages. If you speak/read/write the following we can work something out: Beginners Languages - Irish Gaelic, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Latin, Greek,Portugese, Turkish, German, Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese, and Advanced Languages - Hebrew and French. The important thing would be consistency and at least 6 to 10 sessions although longer ongoing tutoring or lessons would be favorable. I am very happy to learn other languages too if it turns out someone out there has the time and knowledge.

Reviews of Susan

Michelle provided Help with Languages -Would like help to Learn for Susan
Aug 30, 2017
Friendly, great simbionian!
Dan provided unit of Chiang Mai, Thailand Favorites! for Susan
Nov 27, 2020
Best of luck, Susan!
Yossef provided session of Guided Psychedelic Meditation for Susan
Sep 21, 2020
Susan was a great participant in the meditation and connected to it deeply!
Dan provided unit of GO! Travel Wisdom to Send You Off for Susan
Sep 20, 2020
Susan is friendly and curious, making her a grteat Simbian!
Dan provided unit of Travelers' Blessing for Susan
Sep 20, 2020
Susan is a pleasure to make deals with!
Dan provided unit of Alef-Bet Kabalah (mysticism) for Susan
Jul 01, 2020
Susan is creative, makes beautiful stone art, and is a pleasure to work with!
Inactive User
Inactive User left review for Susan
Apr 02, 2018
Susan is an amazing individual that is welcoming and totally eccentric. Do accept any proposal that comes to you, you will not be disappointed. She m...ade an absolutely beautiful piece for my brother :-)show more
Dec 18, 2017
Susan is an incredible artist. She created a stone carving from a sketch she did and the work is exquisitely detailed. I had a great time meeting her ...and seeing her studio, as well as picking out a stone. I would recommend Susan's art to anyone. Thank you so much! show more
Nicole received Help with Send a Christmas Card from Susan
Dec 17, 2017
Great work, thanks so much for helping out. God bless you.
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of Paintin/illustrationForHome/Busines from Susan
Nov 23, 2017
Susan is very responsive and patient.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Susan's services

Why indeed do I love Simbi. Because its finding its way like a beautiful river feeding into all kinds of living things. And though there will be conflict and disagreements we can build trust commun...


Why indeed do I love Simbi. Because its finding its way like a beautiful river feeding into all kinds of living things. And though there will be conflict and disagreements we can build trust commun...


Tutoring for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Why indeed do I love Simbi. Because its finding its way like a beautiful river feeding into all kinds of living things. And though there will be conflict and disagreements we can build trust commun...

Tutoring for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Susan's requests

Susan is requesting
Piano tuner for Simbi. In Montreal
I have an old mini baby grand that my kids like to gather round at family dinners. Would love to get a tuner on Simbi! Pay with Simbi, or alternatively with a granite sculpture maybe custom made. ...

Why indeed do I love Simbi. Because its finding its way like a beautiful river feeding into all kinds of living things. And though there will be conflict and disagreements we can build trust commun...
Susan is requesting
Help Me Get My Sewing Machine Going
I have a small sewing machine. It is not working due to something that needs putting together. It has only been used a handful of times so it’s surely a simple issue. If you are a sewer and can get...

Why indeed do I love Simbi. Because its finding its way like a beautiful river feeding into all kinds of living things. And though there will be conflict and disagreements we can build trust commun...
Susan is requesting
Sewing machine coach
I am in the possession of a small sewing machine. I cannot figure out how to put the parts together and how to begin basic sewing. I am full of creative ideas if I can get this going. Can you help me?

Why indeed do I love Simbi. Because its finding its way like a beautiful river feeding into all kinds of living things. And though there will be conflict and disagreements we can build trust commun...

About Susan Conner

Hey there. I have been trading and bartering for 26 years as a free-lance sculptor in stone and painter. This Simbi program is a wonderful extension of what artists have been doing since the dawn of... time. It is in my opinion a sacred exchange which I am always grateful for. I am pleased to join this community. My work comes from a place of pathworking, and also from decades of professional experience. Lets grow together in this astral community of trust and love. Regarding my extant paintings: I am looking for an appropriate venue to trade my large number of paintings for language studies, primarily. I will be posting photos of these paintings that I have created over the years. I feel that I can start creating again in oil paint if I can find loving homes for these works on canvas. Like puppies or kittens born in my home, I want to find the right home for these treasures of mine. As a painter I need to do this to continue my evolution in 2Dimensional expression in color. Regarding my commissioned artwork: I truly enjoy sketching, painting and creating by pencil, paint-brush and all other modes of transportation of the image, symbol and concept across a page for your use. I have the ability to work with you, co-create with you, and perform in any style including portraiture. Just Ask Me. Regarding my Mothering 101: I have so much experience which I wish to share. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly, but mostly the great, the beautiful and the ultimate in joy coming from the journey of parenting. What an honour it is to share this with anyone who asks. Regarding my stone carving business: Quotes from my Site regarding the stone carvings: Welcome to the home of Conner Bernett Stone. Susan Conner worsk in the most ancient of media, creating decorative art for both corporate clients and individual art lovers. Susan loves to do custom work. You can find us at Art Markets in Montreal, Canada or at our other venues such as By Ward Market, Ottawa, and Fine Juried Art shows all over North America. Images “Drawn from Stone” to last for generations to come. Unique Works of Everlasting Art Every piece is one of a kind, carved from the most beautiful stone including granite, limestone, labradorite, quartz, and marble. You can display our works of art indoors or outdoors, and be assured that they will look striking in all weather, and under both natural and artificial lighting. You’re Invited to Connect With Conner Bernett Stone Contact us any time to ask about our work or to arrange for a custom piece. Stone Bas-relief carving – each one unique. Connecting with the client, so that the client connects with the piece. Envision a symbol of your company’s identity carved out of stone – your business’s spirit through your company’s logo in granite. My sculptures are always researched, designed and executed by me, and I am proud to declare them as the culmination of 25 years of stone artistry. The stone whispers its stories to me and I co-create with Nature. My work is both Fine Art and Poetry, as it presents its pure healing energy – light extending out from natural quarried rocks, and the quest of the imagination that collaborates with it. I am always open to new concepts and motifs, but also enjoy perfecting vintage images, as they evolve and flux with my personal and spiritual evolution. The path is the goal in stone carving. That includes connecting with the client, so that the client connects with the piece. We begin with a highly polished stone slab chosen for its color and beauty. We break it up manually into different sizes; each piece formed from the stones’ natural inclusions and veins. How do I execute my designs? I cover the stone with a protective sketching surface. Drawing on the design with a pencil, the next step is to hand-cut the areas out, exposing the stone surface that we want to sand away. This process is done free-hand with total artistic license to create as we work. When the larger massed out areas have been carved deeply into the stone, we remove our protective material, and using a diamond–tipped dremel, the finely etched details are added. This also is done freely. The result is always uniquely one-of- a-kind. show more

Open to other proposals
Susan Conner is looking for:
  • Just for Fun
  • Maintenance
  • Handyman services
  • Dogwalking
  • Petsitting
  • Nailcare
  • Website Consulting
  • Language Lessons
  • Learning
  • Art Lessons
  • Music Lessons
  • Religion
  • Translation
  • Classes & Webcasts
  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Fresh Produce
  • Cooking
  • Dietary Counselling
  • Food
  • Writing & Editing
  • Consulting & Coaching
  • Event Planning
  • Marketing
  • Legal
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Cleaning
  • Home
  • Transport & Rideshares
  • Tours & Excursions
  • Experiences
  • Travel
  • New Age
  • Adventure
  • Life Coaching
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Healing Arts
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Personal Training
  • Dance
  • Yoga
  • Fitness
  • Art & Design