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Sheba is requesting

3D Digitally Sculpted or Mesh Grub

- Virtual OK - Posted Jun 27, 2016

I have a small Grub worm character named Bauble
I would really like a sculpted or mesh version of him in second life. So I am hoping to find someone that knows how to make and upload the files to SL or even if they can create the 3d sculpt/mesh and tell me how to upload them that would be perfectly ok.
Not sure how much to offer for this so please let me know what you would normally charge in simbi.

Reviews of Sheba

Jan 18, 2017
Very cool yet dark fact about fireflies! Thanks again :)
Nov 21, 2016
Sheba gave a really interesting fact about an insect. I say try her out.
Nov 06, 2016
Sheba is really nice girl and she has really interesting facts about the insects
Sep 24, 2016
Sheba's service was better than I was hoping for! She gave me detailed information about the critter I asked about. I'll be back for more!
Jul 30, 2016
Sheba is a wonderful person, who is knowledgeable, friendly, personable, kind, reliable, and keeps in good contact. Perfect for our Simbi community!
Jul 29, 2016
Easy and fun to work with.
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of Insect Identification from Sheba
Jul 29, 2016
Sheba gave me an answer to the question that has been bothering me my entire life, while putting up with me trying to be funny. Very knowledgeable and... quick to more
Jul 27, 2016
Amazing! She had a very flexible schedule and was very knowledgeable. Would definitely talk to her again- about anything!
Jul 26, 2016
10/10 would recommend
Jul 22, 2016
Sheba somehow managed to entertain me with an awesome insect fact while embarrassing her husband at the same time =) Cool service!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Sheba's requests

Sheba is requesting
Digital Mesh file help or custom
I would really like some help with a project that I have been trying to get help with for years. I'm going to try and type this request without it getting all mushy but no guarantees because this ...

I'm really curious about this platform. With inflation as high as it is right now, this seems like a really life changing concept.
Sheba is requesting
Second Life Avatar Modification
I am looking for someone that is good at sculpting or making mesh avatar parts or is really good at making mods. There is a mod I have been trying to perfect but I just can't get it right and I ca...

I'm really curious about this platform. With inflation as high as it is right now, this seems like a really life changing concept.

About Sheba Metaluna

*My internet access is going to be a bit more limited soon but I will try to get things done at a reasonable pace* Update: will be getting better internet in a few weeks. Hi there, my name is Sheb...a and I love insects, cats, and super nerdy things. My hobbies include learning about entomology, making and selling jewelry, crafting, costuming, and playing video games. My dream is to find a job that will allow me to afford to have a home, but won't make my anxiety fly off the charts. I collect art of my characters and I DJ on Second Life. You can check the status of my bug identification and other work here http://shebasbugs.weebly.comshow more

Open to other proposals
Sheba Metaluna is looking for:
  • Digital Marketing
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital
  • Music & Audio
  • Custom Art
  • Art & Design