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Sacred Witness

- - Posted Nov 19, 2021

Need photographers, videographers, artists, writers, shamans to accompany the field trip team to sacred sites to document conditions and perform protection rituals at each site. Contact us to volunteer.

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Reviews of Shamanic Arts Center

Janice provided unit of MOVIE LIST: Time Travel for Shamanic Arts Center
Jul 11, 2021
Have fun watching the time travel movies! Nice working with you.
Diane received unit of Connect You With a Shaman from Shamanic Arts Center
Jun 24, 2021
The Carzwell Project provided hour of Boost your Tech! for Shamanic Arts Center
Sep 03, 2020
I want to close this deal, and then open one or two new ones to serve your needs discussed today. :-)
Iris Betts received unit of Donation to Traveling Shamans from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 27, 2020
I deeply honor the work of these woke people, who bring so much wisdom into the lives of so many! Blessings to you all with deep gratitude!
Julia received unit of Donation to Traveling Shamans from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 27, 2020
Julia is the shaman whisperer at Shamanic Arts Center in Hotchkiss, Colorado. The Center is a cultural preservation organization.
Julia received unit of Donation to Traveling Shamans from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 27, 2020
I love working for Shamanic Arts Center in Hotchkiss, Colorado. It is fun and interesting.
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of Connect You With a Shaman from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 25, 2020
Catherine received unit of Donation to Traveling Shamans from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 24, 2020
Supporting a great cause that the world is desperately in need of at this time!
Julia received unit of Donation to Traveling Shamans from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 24, 2020
The Shamanic Arts Center is launching projects for shamans to preserve rituals and ceremonies in film, photos and writings. I'm proud to be a patron a...nd supporter of the more
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of Donation to Traveling Shamans from Shamanic Arts Center
Aug 24, 2020
I am heartened by the important and wonderful work of the Shamanic Arts Center!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Other Services

Visionary Artist Interview
To preserve shamanic culture by facilitating the exchange of oral & energetic shamanic practices.

Visionary Artist Interview

Alchemical Artwork Session
To preserve shamanic culture by facilitating the exchange of oral & energetic shamanic practices.

Alchemical Artwork Session

Interview on Shamanic Podcast
To preserve shamanic culture by facilitating the exchange of oral & energetic shamanic practices.

Interview on Shamanic Podcast

Shamanic Arts Center's requests

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To preserve shamanic culture by facilitating the exchange of oral & energetic shamanic practices.
Shamanic Arts Center is requesting
Shamanic Art for Exhibition
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To preserve shamanic culture by facilitating the exchange of oral & energetic shamanic practices.

About Shamanic Arts Center

The Shamanic Arts Center in the Colorado mountains is a small cultural preservation 501c3 non-profit that sponsors the preservation of shamanic practices by facilitating the direct experience of these... normally oral and energy-based practices through our various projects. The Shamanic Arts Center in Hotchkiss, Colorado projects include an annual Traveling Shamans Camp, Sacred Witness - a field Trip group, Talk Story Media, as well as various other programs. We also serve as liaisons between host communities & shamanic artists, healers, wisdom teachers, & patrons who are invited to list their services and events in the shamanic network directory at www.ShamanicArts.Center. We are seeking patrons and volunteers particularly video editors, writers, artists, & shamanic practitioners. We can give community services credit to volunteers who need more

Open to other proposals