Joint meditation for wellbeing
Are you feeling run down, tired, attacked by life or just in need of a pick me up? I can help! I have a track record of helping people remotely and have successfully used Pleadian healing and other similar esoteric approaches to remotely help and heal people. I can do the same for you!
Just let me know you like my help and I will meditate with you at the same time, wherever you are in the world! Together we can heal your problem or make something happen in you life in a positive way! Should take no more than 10 -20 minutes, depending on your issue or concern.
Training & Qualifications
Trained in Psychology (Victoria University, Mebourne, Australia)
Trained at the Infinity Institute in Michigan, USA, in Advanced Hypnosis and Counselling.
Practitioner of remote healing via Pleaidian visualisation techniques.
Availability & Preferences
Most days - please message me for suitable times.