Substantive editing <600 words
Send me your text (a maximum of 600 words) and I will send it back to you with comments within a week. I prefer to use Google docs because of its comments functionality, but that's negotiable.
Across the board I will help you out with style, brevity, and clear communication. To get more specific edits, explain the context of your piece: Who is the audience? Where will it be published? What is your goal? What tone are you aiming for? If your work is supposed to fit into a larger body of text (such as a page on a website) I can look at that* to help you stay consistent. If your work is technical in nature, I don't mind doing a bit of research to understand it.
I mostly have experience editing non-fiction: articles, books, important emails, essays, etc. That said, I am open to the challenge of tackling fiction or verse. We can chat about it.
This is not copy editing. I will correct your grammar, spelling, or punctuation if I come across a mistake, but it's not a guarantee.
*Within reason. I won't read an entire encyclopedia to edit your particular entry.