Past Life/ Regression Hypnotherapy
**This service can ONLY be provided in person. Please use extreme caution and discernment when being offered a virtual hypnosis service by anyone else; it is against good practice and is NOT SAFE for the client**
I am certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), as taught by Dolores Canon. This particular style of hypnosis takes a minimum of 3 hours and produces amazing results. We spend some time in your past lives and then we go on to speak directly with your Higher Self, to ask for answers and guidance on whatever you choose. Please research this style of hypnosis to see if it would be a good fit for you.
Sessions can be scheduled at your home or office, so long as there will be absolutely no interruptions or pets to disturb our work.
*Disclaimer* For those of you with concerns of unwelcomed mental invasion or control: I treat the Higher Self with great reverence and respect; I do not and cannot use hypnosis to control or change anyone. Your Higher Self will only allow what is in YOUR "Highest Good".
Training & Qualifications
I am Certified Level 1 from the QHHT Academy.
I spent one week in a highly immersive, hands-on training, in which we learned how to, not only access the Higher Self, but how to work WITH the Higher Self in healing the body, mind and soul of the individual.
Availability & Preferences
Sat-Sun: 10a-6p