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Pametno s ekranima!


50 per package - Virtual OK - Posted Jan 21, 2018

Nudim podršku u razvoju vješte upotrebe raznih komunikacijskih alata i platformi za članove građanskih inicijativa, udruga, vlasnike samostalnih djelatnosti, malih obrta ili poduzeća -- osobito ako se radi o društvenim poduzetnicima! -- koji žele unaprijediti svoje vještine komuniciranja s članovima, korisnicima ili kupcima putem raznih internetskih medija: emaila, mailing lista, društvenih mreža, aplikacija za timsku suradnju, web stranica...

Podrška uključuje ne samo upute i savjete za korištenje raznih alata i aplikacija, već i savjete u vezi s osobnom produktivnošću, flitriranjem, automatizacijom i "zaštitom na radu" (obzirom da ekrani izazivaju ovisnost).

Radimo putem video konferencije, tijekom dva do tri jednosatna susreta, s "domaćim zadaćama" između. Od alata za video konferencije preferiram Zoom, ali može i Skype.

Grupa Pametni ekrani na Facebooku:

Training & Qualifications

Vješt sam korisnik raznih alata s ekrana. Na temelju svojih iskustava napisao sam (za sada samo na engleskom) Virtual Team Quick Guide podijeljen ovdje:

Availability & Preferences

Moja dostupnost za video konferencije podijeljena je ovdje:

Trading Preference: I prefer being paid in simbi

Reviews of Nenad

Petra provided hour of Graphic Design for Nenad
Jan 23, 2019
Nenad is a good communicator and knows what he wants. Would definitely recommend him!
Dec 20, 2018
Awesome experience! I highly recommended Nenad! Very helpful and insightful!
Mar 07, 2018
What a wonderful meeting we had to discuss transition to a sustainable world in a dynamic way! I feel very grateful to have met such a beautiful famil...y of change agents. show more
Jan 28, 2018
Our REconomy group met will Nenad and he shared his knowledge and experience. It was easy, participatory and engaging. Very grateful to Nenad!
Jane received Help with Host a Simbi Swap Meet from Nenad
Jan 26, 2018
Nenad is a go-getter who truly believes in the barter movement!
Jan 26, 2018
Nenad is an experienced co-ordinator for REconomy. I enjoyed the 30 minute information session and was able to ask numerous questions. Nenad followed... up with links and guidance. Very grateful. Well worth booking a more
Inactive User
Inactive User provided unit of WINNERS GUIDE Simbi Rich Quick & EZ for Nenad
Jan 15, 2018
Nenad was great! I look forward to seeing his success on Simbi and Beyond!
Ana provided unit of 5 completely different hugs for Nenad
Jan 11, 2018
Nenad je zbilja cool i simpa :)


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Nenad's other services

Uvod u milo za drago
Simbi exchange seems to be very good networking and relationship building activity, so the right tool for a network weaver like me :) I see great potential for it in my worldwide and local comm...

Uvod u milo za drago

Assess your video calling skills
Simbi exchange seems to be very good networking and relationship building activity, so the right tool for a network weaver like me :) I see great potential for it in my worldwide and local comm...

Assess your video calling skills

Ugodni video pozivi
Simbi exchange seems to be very good networking and relationship building activity, so the right tool for a network weaver like me :) I see great potential for it in my worldwide and local comm...

Ugodni video pozivi

Nenad's requests

Nenad is requesting
REconomy community moderators
I'm looking for members of REconomy practitioners group on Facebook that would like to improve their online community managing and moderating skills by taking moderator role for a month or so - wit...

Simbi exchange seems to be very good networking and relationship building activity, so the right tool for a network weaver like me :) I see great potential for it in my worldwide and local comm...
Nenad is requesting
Pametni ekrani: praksa i učenje
Tražim članove građanskih inicijativa, udruga, vlasnike samostalnih djelatnosti, malih obrta ili poduzeća -- osobito ako se radi o društvenim poduzetnicima! -- koji žele unaprijediti svoje vještine...

Simbi exchange seems to be very good networking and relationship building activity, so the right tool for a network weaver like me :) I see great potential for it in my worldwide and local comm...

About Nenad Maljković

Cultural creative, network entrepreneur and permaculture designer with particular interest in social and economic aspects of permaculture, effective collaboration in groups and in virtual teams for sy...stemic change. Champion of permaculture, Transition and Modern Agile principles in social change groups and organisations at any scale. Enabler of local, bioregional and global high-trust networks for systemic change towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration. On my blog, Virtual Teams for Systemic Change, I'm promoting skillful remote collaboration between Transitioners on levels of scale beyond local Transition Initiatives. REconomy Community of Practice network weaver. ECOLISE Council member. In Croatia: co-founder and current coordinator of Transition Hub, Croatian Permaculture Association member, cluster coordinator at Cooperative for Ethical Financing. Rumi more

Open to other proposals
Nenad Maljković is looking for:
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web/Software Development
  • Video & AV
  • Translation
  • Writing & Editing
  • Administration
  • Event Planning
  • Cleaning
  • Transport & Rideshares
  • Photography