Hey, I'm Nellie!
Cheyenne WY | Member since January 2017
About Nellie Guthner
I'm a Stay at Home, Homeschooling, mother of two. I just opened my own small business earlier this year making custom jewelry (https://www.facebook.com/themotherlobe/), and I'm loving it! My husband joined the Air Force a year after we got married, so our life has been very interesting. We are currently stationed in Wyoming and loving it here!
In 2008 I found that I had celiac disease, not just me, but also my children. I was bummed to say the least, and sure that my food life was going to be lame from there on out. I was SO wrong. Going totally GF was a huge learning curve. I became a label reading fiend, and discovered gluten in the oddest places. Once I cleaned out all the glutenous contaminants from my home I started learning about what I CAN eat. An entire world of food I would never otherwise have discovered opened up for me. I realized I had been living without back in my bread eating days, and that I was going to get to enjoy a very happy foodie life from here on out. Learning to bake GF was tricky because the dough is so very different, but I got the hang of it fairly quickly. Next on my list was learning how to modify my favorite recipes into something my kids and I could enjoy. At this point there is little to nothing I can't either make or modify to be GF. I'm pleased to say that my diet isn't suffering for lack of flavor and variety...however it IS suffering from overindulgence haha! My sweet husband has even gotten into helping me with modifiers and recently made me a GF Angel Food cake (my favorite) that was TO DIE FOR!
We as a family firmly believe in rescuing animals from the local shelter, so last year we brought home our cat (who we named Kirby) from our local animal shelter. I am so glad we did! He is the best cat I've ever owned. We are currently waiting on a dog. We signed up to adopt a retired military working dog, but as of yet we haven't heard anything and adoptions are not guaranteed. Crossing our fingers that it works out for us.
Next year we are sending our currently Homeschooled children to private school, so that means I have to go get a traditional job, UNLESS I can bring in enough business from my small business, so that's my goal. Simi is a cool way to get something for "nothing", I love the concept. I probably couldn't afford to offer my jewelry as an option on Simbi, but I suppose that would depend on the services I would get in return, so I am not opposed to the idea, but won't be listing that as an option until I've hung out here for a while testing the waters.
Nellie Guthner's Services
Rose provided hour of Result-Winning Complaint Letters for Nellie
Services Nellie Guthner is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Website Consulting
- Web/Software Development
- Music Lessons
- Accounting & Bookkeeping