Hey, I'm Mj!
Spanaway WA | Member since November 2016
About Mj Jones
I'm a jack of many trades.
I love to help others and have volunteered in one form or another since I was a candy stripper at a hospital as a young girl. Fast forward to today and I have certainly learned a lot since then. I love making my own soaps. It's a passion that I never knew was hiding inside of me. I am a lover of Love, Lover of the light and can't live in this world without loving others. Love in action not just emotion. It's because we love that we do... So love is a verb as well and most do not honor that. It's refreshing to see all is not lost. I became physically disabled (not a title I choose but for lack of a better term) with my last pregnancy. An auto-immune disease decided to show its head and I'm currently living the reality of it. I still push forward and insist on being of use to myself and others. I have always felt like a mother to the world...why? I don't have a clue but as a child I knew I was different and others (total strangers ) have come to me for help in many areas. As an adult I feel the need to find my village and let go of one sided relationships. Others like me so we can build each other up and encourage one another in these times. Race and culture are interesting to me as a lover of others I strive to understand, appreciate, honor and do no harm but grow from each encounter rather a good one or a not so good one. I strive to learn and not judge. I have always had the ability to love others easily as you would a new baby but with that being said I still guard myself to not take on more than I can sort out. My new venture will include building earthships for others if the school will have me. I have attended many courses that serve my interest at the time and because of this I will be a student forever as I wish to constantly evolve and better my self while expanding my knowledge base. Shedding old belief systems to be free and unlimited is my desire and what I most need help with myself. I look forward to connections from all over the world and wish to be of service in this new awesome community.
Mj Jones's Services
Mj Jones's Requests
Inactive User provided Help with I need soap a label template for Mj
Inactive User received unit of Handmade Organic Coconut Oil Bars from Mj
Judy provided Help with Birthday wishes for grandmother for Mj
Jessie provided Help with Birthday card fro grandmother for Mj
Eric provided Help with Birthday card fro grandmother for Mj
Michelene provided session of Wise Woman Story Circles for Mj
Services Mj Jones is looking for:
- Maintenance
- Handyman services
- Dogwalking
- Cleaning
- Gardening
- Personal Training
- Tailoring & Sewing