Hey, I'm Michelle!
Anaheim CA | Member since June 2017
About Michelle Marinca
Hello there!
My name is Michelle and I LOVE to draw.
I keep pushing it to the side though, so I'm hoping I can get back into the rhythm of drawing, as well as building a portfolio.
So really, you're doing me a favor if you wish to click the make a deal button.
What have I been up to until now?
I have worked with children for 9 years now.
I am 25, but people still believe I look 17. I guess the youth of the little ones I'm around has been rubbing off on me.
I was an intern for children's ministry at my old church, and now I'm just taking it easy.
I'm a full time nanny and I absolutely love and adore my job.
My favorites are:
Color - Pink
Food - Pizza.. and carbs
Drink - Water!!!
Clothes - The comfy kind
Place - Parks, always. Unless we're at the beach
Michelle Marinca's Services
Services Michelle Marinca is looking for:
- Beauty
- Makeup
- Hair styling
- Learning
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Photography
- Custom Art
- Art & Design