Were you born on 12/28/1993?
As an Art Major, I'm beginning a new project and am reaching out! I'm looking for people born on December 28, 1993, the same day as myself. If you are, keep reading. If not and you know someone who is, please send them my way via here on Simbi or on my Facebook link listed below.
I'm looking for you to join my Facebook Group called "Born on 12/28/1993." That's all you need to do to complete this service. See link below :)
Later you can choose to participate in the project via Facebook if you'd like to. The project involves photographing you in a space that best represents who you are. For example, it could be in your career environment, home, place where you gain the most inspiration, etc. The point of reaching out to people like you is to discover how similar/different our lives are even though we were born on the same day. It's to gain a deeper understanding of how our environmental influences shape who we are and aspire to become.
Thanks! If you have any questions please feel free to send me a message. I love to chat :D