Talk to me about animal welfare
Animal rights is kind of a minefield of opposing positions, with a massive no-person's-land of ambivalence between. Millions of animals live and die in our control in agricultural systems, and how they live is often appalling. I'm available to have a respectful, thoughtful discussion of animal welfare and animal rights issues in the context of sustainable agriculture. I don't know all the answers, but as a former vegetarian turned organic livestock producer and organic inspector, I have a well developed opinion and would love to engage in this topic more, as I feel like it is really not 'on the table' much, and it literally is on the table for most folks daily. Or not. Whether you're a vegan or an omnivore, it's an important conversation.
Training & Qualifications
I am an agrologist, organic inspector and omnivore. I grew up on red meat, turned vegetarian for several years, and now raise and buy ethical meat for my family.
Availability & Preferences
evenings, PST