Help Free Farming Technology grow
We need sponsors, and volunteers! Our intentions are to provide a potential solution to end both hunger and obesity, both of which of course plague our society today. We believe these issues can be resolved by the localization of efficient, life-sustaining food production facilities at a relatively low cost and with minimal maintenance or use of resources.
How It Works
The basis of this concept lies upon the utilization of Aquaponics as a food production system - powered by the sun and nourished by fish within a self-sustaining container that can be stationed virtually anywhere in the world. This system has the ability to produce organic meats such as fish, chicken and rabbit, as well as grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs. A solar panel array acts as a water catch to replenish the water supply and a fodder growing system feeds the animals on-site. Solar power is stored in a small battery bank to operate an oscillating fan and sump pump as well as power the climate control system and back up LED lighting system.
These systems are built inside of decommissioned 53-foot tractor trailers like the ones used in the trucking industry. By removing the existing roof of the trailer and replacing it with a plexiglass material, the enclosure would make an excellent mobile greenhouse. Minimal infrastructure is needed to install the aquaponic configuration, a large kennel mounted under the frame of the trailer would act as the chicken/bunny coop, and a gravity feeder and water delivery system would maintain the livestock. The entire system can be achieved with little effort and would produce an abundance of organic, locally-grown produce and fresh meat on a continuous basis if well maintained.
The fact that the trucking industry is currently changing due to new fuel emission legislation trucking companies have to improve the fuel efficiency of their fleet, therefore needing to update a large percentage of their trailers to meet the new standards. This renders a large portion of the containers obsolete, or decommissioned. So came the idea of re-purposing these decommissioned trailers for a new and worthy cause, mobile food production.
Operating as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization would allow the operation to achieve its greatest potential. Seeking corporate sponsorship from trucking companies to donate the decommissioned trailers would limit costs significantly (and the corporations would get a tax write-off), which would leave only the materials, labor and livestock expenditures to fund this program through charitable donations and fundraising activities. According to calculations, each container would cost approximately $3500 to configure and could sell for upwards of $9000.
To make this dream a reality, we need sponsors and business-savvy partners who shares a humanitarian passions. Lastly, we would need a rural, south-facing location for the storage and configuration space of the trailers to secure success. There would be very minimal staffing needs for day-to-day operations and with an aggressive marketing campaign and positive mindset, success is very attainable.
There is an ever-growing market for on-site food production and the trend for going organic/clean eating is on the rise, so this is both a timely and financially intelligent venture with exponential growth potential and scalability. Furthermore, this could provides the ability to feed impoverished nations, low-income communities and could also supply a viable food source for charities, food banks and restaurants, schools, hospitals, the list goes on and on. Viewing the needs of the people and the burning desire to make a positive difference we are confident that this is not only achievable, but necessary.