Photograph a grave
Do you need someone to go to the cemetery for your genealogy research? I will go to the cemeteries near me(within a 3 hour drive) and take pictures of your loved ones tombstone and write down the information on the stone so you can add it to your family records. I travel a lot so if the cemetery is near-ish me feel free to ask..If requested I will also do some research on the individual. I like to help solve mysteries. I am still trying to solve my dads family history story. I hit a wall, due to lack of information.
Training & Qualifications
Cemetery's do not bother me and I have a decent camera on my phone. I am not professional, But I do have some experiece due to a genealogy class. I have a car and know where most of the cemeteries are located.
Availability & Preferences
Weekends and after 10am.