Skin Care
As a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant I would love to discuss your skin care needs with you and help you find the perfect skin care regimen to help you get the glowing skin you deserve! Mary Kay has many Amazing products to choose from for every skin type and every concern. Mary Kay has a reputation for reliable quality products at affordable prices. Let me help you find what you love!
Training & Qualifications
Certified Mary Kay Independent Beauty consultant and product distributor.
I have skin, and sometimes troubled skin at that! I was a big acne sufferer going through puberty with stubborn blemishes that were difficult, near impossible to clear. I was always looking for solutions to my blemish problem without having to resort to prescription medications. I tried everything I could get my hands on, which has led me on a long skin care journey, educating myself on the latest skin care techniques and products available on the market as well as following skin and beauty trends. This self education has given me a unique outlook on skin care products. I know what works and what doesn't, and have diligently followeed the progress in modern skin care technology.
Availability & Preferences
Some weeknights after 6:00pm and Weekends.