Understand Your Lawn/Garden Weeds
This is for fun at least until I discover how good I am at doing this in other bioregions and backgrounds than my own.
Weed: (n) a plant growing where the gardener doesn't want it to grow.
Tell me a weed that you struggle with, that you wish would go away forever - and I'll try to help you understand why it does so well in your lawn or garden. Sometimes, this may lead to more effective control measures, but sometimes, it leads to making allies with a plant you'd been at war with for years. It could mean not only less stressful work in the garden, but also a more resilient garden, and a new way to see your world.
This may, or may not, include fun interesting stories (whether fictional or factual), poems, chemical constituents, medicinal applications, what other species it has direct relationships with in the ecosystems, effects on the soil, or anything else I find out about your chosen weed. Any perspective I find interesting about that plant.
Training & Qualifications
I received my Permaculture Design Certificate in 2015 and much of my studies since have related to weeds and "using the gifts freely given" as much as possible.
I have taken care of gardens and lawns in many different capacities and scales at various times in my life.
I'm gaining interest in ethnobotany - people's relationships with plants, and folk tales and folk wisdom about plants.
I have a dandelion tattooed on my shoulder, my favorite flowers are morning glory, comfrey, and bull thistle, and I successfully kept creeping charlie from the neighbor's yard out of ours for 5 years when I lived in PA.
Availability & Preferences
This will take me at least a week, if not longer to put together something compelling and interesting.