Hey, I'm LilaStar!
Costa Rica | Member since June 2017
About LilaStar Frances
Center Coordinator of http://EarthNation.world
Co-Founder of http://EarthCycle.io
Visionary, Lover, Gaian guardian, Earth activist, Humanitarian, Priestess, He'artist,
New paradigm/new earth systems and eco-community designer
Thetahealer, Yoga and meditation teacher
Lila Star, Center Coordinator of EarthCycle and The Earth Nation, with a Masters degree in Strategic Leadership for Sustainability, is a new paradigm holistic systems visionary and director. She is also the architectural designer and visionary of Earthcycle’s Chrysalis Holistic Health Care Center.
Lila Star, aka The www.Lovepreneur.org consults entrepreneurs on new paradigm systems, servant models of leadership and transparency, co-creation dynamics, vision mapping, strategic planning, and empowering ones purpose into stepwise manifest action.
Here for Love - and the facilitation of a Happy Healthy World
Let's get Connected! <3
LilaStar Frances's Services
Services LilaStar Frances is looking for:
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Business
- Administration
- Marketing
- Legal
- Experiences
- Music & Audio
- Art & Design
- Architectural Design