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Move naturaly, like a human animal


65 value - - Posted Jan 05, 2017

I will show you what I know about balancing, crawling, jumping, throwing, running, catching, lifting, climbing and moving more naturally, gracefully, and efficiently, weather you want to learn some parkour, climb trees, regain the physical and mental ability to play like a child, accept the cold, be comfortable and mobile on natural terrain WITHOUT shoes, or deal with injury or build strength with movement. I am self "taught" and always learning. The fitness and health industry has lied to us about how we are supposed to move and is selling us on the idea that certain movements are bad or harmful. I don't claim to know everything about movement, but I can tell you that as human animals, we have a physical and mental capacity to forge the kinetic tools that we need in order to get food, find safety, reproduce, play, travel, and express our selves. it is something that is fading because we have removed our selves from nature, but our biology remains, and has not adapted to the technological/industrial landscape that dominates us.

Training & Qualifications

I am not qualified for anything, I attend workshops when I can, I'm apart of some movenet classes, I go out in to nature and move through the landscape, learning how to adapt to environmental situation.

Availability & Preferences

Wednesdays, Saturdays,

Trading Preference: Trade only – I just want direct exchanges


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