Hey, I'm Leanne!
Fairfax VA | Member since July 2016
About Leanne Bowers
Design is my passion. My favorite thing about being a designer is taking a client's work to the next level, taking what is sometimes a loose idea and creating something concrete and refined. I don’t have a set design style because, as a designer, my goal is to be open to varying styles, principles, and possibilities so I can create something truly unique and custom-fit to each and every client as well as be able to work within a set brand image.
Throughout my work experience, I have been characterized as the problem solver, whether that problem is technical, customer service–based, design-related, or anything pertaining to the business I am employed under. I don't like having loose ends, and I like taking action to resolve challenging situations.
Over the past few years, I have been making use of formal and informal training, in class, online, and on the job. Most recently, I have been learning various code languages, and I have been further challenging myself by learning new techniques to apply to my illustrations. I enjoy experimenting with the Adobe Creative Suite in my free time and trying different tutorials to learn possibilities and solutions within the software that I hadn’t contemplated before.
I constantly seek new challenges, and I love learning new skills and adding to my professional knowledge. I love tackling problems head-on. I love being the go-to problem solver. I love being a graphical jack-of-all-trades. I love it because I love constantly learning, growing, and challenging myself in my career.
I hope to always work with others who share my desire to continually improve.
Specialties: Photo Editing, Branding and Identity, Logo Design, Layout, Typography, Advertisement Design, Swag Design, Signage Design, Illustration, Social Media Management, Customer Service, Creative Writing,
Tom received unit of Photo Editing from Leanne
Elizabeth provided Help with Knitted Pussy Hat! for Leanne
Tj received Help with Tell your most embarrassing moment from Leanne
Victoria provided Help with Handmade, Artistic Couple Portrait for Leanne
Roxy received unit of Photo Editing from Leanne
Eddie provided Help with Draw my D&D Campaign World Map for Leanne
Daniel received package of Logo Design from Leanne
Kelly provided unit of Custom Felt Plushies for Leanne
Services Leanne Bowers is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Handyman services
- Auto Maintenance
- Maintenance
- Pet Training
- Veterinary
- Petsitting
- Pets
- Skincare
- Nailcare
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Cleaning
- Experiences
- Massage
- Physical Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Yoga
- Fitness