Harmonic frequency modification
• This modality uses specific tools and frequencies that break up & remove major issues and energetic blockages occurring in the meridian system and energy field, creating a more natural flow of energy through the entire system and physical body. This modality is great for those who have addiction problems or tendancies and are trying to stay substance free.
This is also just a great overall modality for those who are interested in keeping their energy field cleaned up. As we shower everyday to keep our physical body clean, we also need to take practice in keeping our energy systems cleaned up, this is a great modality that feels like a nice refreshing energetic shower.
Training & Qualifications
I am an Esoteric Metaphysician, shamanic high priest, and Energy Specialist facilitating shifts within ones energy and consciousness for progression on the path of illumination and self mastery for spiritual and physical evolution of "The Great Work." The result of The Great Work is to "KNOW THYSELF" and is the alchemical process of knowing yourself as a body, soul, and spirit, uniting all three aspects during the physical lifetime for ascension into a fully integrated, evolved being of higher consciousness. This is not a path for those who are only curious or choose to dabble, this is the path for dedicated seekers. There are many paths to go by in a given lifetime, it is up to you to decide which path you walk. My soul dedication is to The Great Work myself and creating the Holy City of Light - A Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light for Heaven on Earth. I am a 3rd degree Initiate under the ancient lineage and traditions of Mystery Schools, serving the human family as a guide on the evolutionary journey we call "life." I help facilitate in this illuminating process through many sacred and ancient teachings as well as energetic processes and activation's that have been handed down through thousands of years of lineage and authority. I invite you to embark on the journey with me on this path of divine liberation and freedom of the soul for the greater collective evolution of humanity and our experience here on Earth.
Availability & Preferences
Weeknight or weekends