Fitness Training Help/Advice
Can get you in the shape you want (through meal plans, workout plans, supplement advice)
Training & Qualifications
National level physique competitor and trainer.
Availability & Preferences
variable and flexible
Can get you in the shape you want (through meal plans, workout plans, supplement advice)
National level physique competitor and trainer.
variable and flexible
Projects: Expertise in health/fitness, startups/business, author/publishing. Happy to help in any/all of the above :) Publishing company, Scriptis LLC, pusblished, Yourdrum,... Book: Amazon: Education Software: Health Tracking/Network: My day job is a sleep apnea clinician, where I treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Oral Devices (known as Dental Sleep Medicine). I am developed an intranasal device for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. show more
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