Hey, I'm Kenzy!
East Lansing MI | Member since December 2016
About Kenzy Parsons
I am an avid Christian who puts a lot of weight into living a life of love. I'm always growing, learning and trying to improve myself in any way available to me. I'm an opportunist; an idealist and a friend to all. I am a jack of all trades, but not overwhelmingly perfectionist in any. I spend my time working at an Architectural firm; doing yoga with friends; taking care of my loving dog, Winston; cooking up a storm; or organizing little areas of my life. "The community wants to get to know [me]" but I want to get to know you!
Kenzy Parsons's Services
Services Kenzy Parsons is looking for:
- Just for Fun
- Handyman services
- Maintenance
- Pet Training
- Makeup
- Skincare
- Hair styling
- Digital Marketing
- Website Consulting
- Web/Software Development
- Graphic Design
- Language Lessons
- Music Lessons
- Cooking
- Marketing
- Gardening
- Cleaning
- Home
- Senior & Disabled Care
- Massage
- Health Care
- Wellness
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Photography
- Tailoring & Sewing
- Architectural Design
- Interior Design
- Art & Design