Hey, I'm Katie!
Tolleson AZ | Member since December 2016
About Katie Cox
I am an Idealist---I love ideas and the possibilities of just about anything. I love to come up with theories or entertain theories of why something is a certain way.
I love the underdogs---I love to help the underdog when attacked, those are usually the healers and givers of this world.
I'm a wise old soul that grew up quickly but always was seeking truth at a young age. I have two specific accounts of this. When I was young I left children's church to go to the adult service. And I taught a Sunday school class in 6th grade! Lol Whoa haha funny story but I've been that way most of my life.
I grew up in the mountains for over twelve years, during that time, I developed a deep sense of Self and connection with Source. I was raised Christian but left that at a young age because of the limitations of people and questions remained unanswered. I can't count how many times I would listen to a sermon and wish to raise my hand or yell out a question. But that never happened, and so I went off to find the answers I was seeking. Because of having more of mature and developed mind, I was able to relate to more people that were older than me. I was given wisdom, patience, and guidance that became invaluable as I grew up. I made conscious choices, knowing exactly where I would land. With these experiences I developed the following skills,
Psychic powers: Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Mediumship, Precognition, Emotional Intelligence
Academic Skills: Writing, Analyzing
Social Skills: Analyzing, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Communication
I wasn't aware that those gifts were what I possessed until I went to University and started my awakening journey.
People that come into my field have a tendency to open way up to where they say "Ive never told anyone that before, not even my _____."
I come with an energy of acceptance, of love--unconditionally. It is the very reason why I can cry when you are in pain, and feel angry when you have been wronged.
I love people.
I love to help people in anyway that I can. Most of my friends and colleagues say I am wise beyond my years. My colleagues often seek my advise on education, self-improvement, basic financial policies.
My friends often seek me for spiritual and relationship advise, counseling, and just a general friend where they can open themselves up without judgement.
If you need anything that I can do for you, I want to do that for you.
Thank you for reading some of my story. I hope to listen to yours too.
Namaste and Infinite Love from the Creator 🙏🏻💗✨ Peace 🌈🏹
Katie Cox's Services
Katie Cox's Requests
Nicole received unit of 4-Page Essay Review from Katie
Jane received Help with Start a Local Simbi Chapter! from Katie
Meredith provided session of Ask a Cage Free Human for Katie
Kelly provided unit of Chibi Felt Plush for Katie
Jason provided unit of Biohacking Your Health *3 months* for Katie
Joseph provided package of Executive Order just for you. for Katie
Jacqui received session of 1 Herbal Medicine Recommendation from Katie
Services Katie Cox is looking for:
- Just for Fun
- Auto Maintenance
- Veterinary
- Skincare
- Hair styling
- Beauty
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Fresh Produce
- Writing & Editing
- Consulting & Coaching
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Gardening
- Friendship/Listening
- New Age
- Adventure
- Experiences
- Life Coaching
- Counseling & Therapy
- Healing Arts
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Wellness
- Personal Training
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Art & Design