Hey, I'm Kalisha!
Elma WA | Member since June 2017
About Kalisha White
Growing up in a large family - and being second oldest - has taught me a lot of things about life, and a person's place.
I was born in a 1 bedroom house in a very small town, before too long I had 2 younger siblings, and we moved into a larger home in the same town. When I was 6 we moved across the state, and we lived there for 3 years. While we lived on the other side of the state I learned about nature, and living without luxuries. We had no electricity, we had an outhouse several yards away from the house, and we had Black Widows, Rattle Snakes, and deep snow to keep us aware and in a hurry when we needed to relieve ourselves. The road to our house was a windy road that went way up a hill with basically nothing on one side of the road, and the trip into town for supplies took at least half an hour each way. When we moved back to the other side of the state we moved back into the house we had moved there from. I lived there with my parents and siblings until I was an older teenager, and then I moved across town for 2 years. Eventually I wound up half way across the country, and lived there for 3 years, finally coming back home because my father said he was dying. I moved back in with my parents, and a few months down the road my father decided to move out and leave my mom. I have stayed with mom and been helping her pay the bills until she has a successful business/job, and intend to move back to Colorado (Where I lived for 3 years) in a couple of months - hopefully to bring my mom and sisters with me.
I work at a daycare, and I breed, train, and rescue Border Collies (I rescue other working breeds as well, and train any active dogs).
Kalisha White's Services
Kalisha White's Requests
Lauren provided unit of Website Consultation (Advanced) for Kalisha
Jason provided unit of Logo Design for Kalisha
Services Kalisha White is looking for:
- Pets
- Digital Marketing
- Website Consulting
- Graphic Design
- Consulting & Coaching
- Marketing
- Photography
- Tailoring & Sewing
- Craftwork
- Custom Art