First Violin Lesson (Local only)
I've been interested in learning to play the violin for a long time. Been hesitant about starting, because lessons can be expensive, and if I find out it is not for me, I am out a lot of money for nothing.
I'm looking for a First violin lesson. Someone with experience in teaching Violin, preferably both Classic and Fiddle styles, who can give me a 45 minute to 1 hour initiation, to see if it really is for me, or if it is out of my reach. Just an orientation lesson to "try it out", and discuss the realities of training schedules and difficuly levels and all that jazz.
I do not have my own violin, so I need you to have one I can use at the lesson. I am an adult, so a childs violin would not work for me.
I am in Rogers Park area of Chicago, and I want to have an in-person lesson. I can travel via the L and buses around Chicago to meet, but if someone is really close, like in Rogers Park, that would be the most ideal.