About Justin Borgholthaus
Hey!! My name is Justin, I am a professional Screen Actor, Vlogger and Model. (Voice Actor) I'm here because I need a lot of help with things I'm not really good at yet! So I'm willing to trade! I hav...e a lot of different skills and advice to trade. Naturally I'm good at talking, accents/dialects, acting, clothing modeling, videography, photography and anything dealing with Acting/Film. But I was previously in the Medical field as a Psych Tech, CNA, EMT and Physical Therapy Tech. I'm an Eagle Scout in the BSA. I'm an Athlete and I play 4 main sports, American Football, Soccer, Rugby, Track/Running. I'm a Writer, I've written some Modern Military Fiction, Fantasy Fiction and I'm currently writing a Auto Biography. I love Art and Music and can draw really well and Sing. I'm bilingual and speak Spanish and English. I'm a Religious Christian, and spent 2 years serving a LDS Mission. I love cleaning and organizing. I am also very phsically fit, (not bragging) I can do heavy lifting, yard work, massages, hard labor, painting, etc. I'm also an Entrepreneur and have an online Business. I'm always looking for new mountains to conquer! Always looking for new knowledge! Thanks for taking the time to read this hahaha. If you got this far and still haven't messaged me, just do it. We all have something someone else needs! Thanks!show more
Open to other proposalsJustin Borgholthaus is looking for:
- Digital Marketing
- Video & AV
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Music Lessons
- Classes & Webcasts
- Business
- Marketing
- Legal
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Transport & Rideshares
- Tours & Excursions
- Experiences
- Travel
- Adventure
- Acupuncture
- Dance
- Photography
- Entertainment & Performance
- Music & Audio
- Custom Art