Spirit Message Flag on Shamans Tree
I will write your message on a flag which I will tie to the Shaman's tree here at the Traveling Shamans Desert Retreat in Colorado. Your message will be on a string with other messages being sent by wind horse to the spirit world. Your message will be on one of five Tibetan traditional colors which are yellow, green, red, white and blue. Each color represents an element. Blue symbolizes the sky and space, white symbolizes the air and wind, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth. According to Traditional Tibetan medicine, health and harmony are produced through the balance of the five elements.
Training & Qualifications
I am the events and patron coordinator for the Traveling Shamans. I live at the Shaman's Desert Retreat in Colorado where the Shaman's tree is also living.
Availability & Preferences
I'm free to talk about your message on Wednesdays - Just book a visit at: www.VisitwithJulia.com.